Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Tv Shows I'm Looking Forward To

One nice thing about the beginning of the new year is the tv shows. Usually they return, which for me is great because is the perfect way for my weeks to pass faster. Although they don't start on the first week, except this year Pretty Little Liars that returned yesterday, but most of the times it just don't happen. In my opinion is great because if you didn't follow every episode you can do now and the waiting won't be so long but if you followed you're being tortured since December until the second week of January. I hate that!
Today I will go through each one I'm going to watch on the next months.
I watch too many tv shows thus this post is going to be long.

Starting by dates, Pretty Little Liars was the first, like I said. Towards the end, the episode becomes breathtaking. Aria and Ezra telling her parents the truth?! The girls find A's phone?! What?! Oh... Can't wait for the next ep.
Next, The Vampire Diaries and The Secret Circle on January 5th. The winter-break of both was oh-my-god-what-now?! kind of feeling so hell yes I can't wait.
Supernatural on January 6th. The end was super tortuous!
Pan Am on January 8th. I love this show! It's definitely one of my favourites. I read they will not made a second season but I also read the otherwise so I hope they do the latter one.
90210 on January 10th. This is probably the one I'm looking forward the most. I left it alone for most of the last season episodes. I started watching it on September but then it started to make no sense to me so I just let it go but during these last Christmas holidays I watched all the episodes until the winter-break. Again, oh-my-god-what-now?! feeling. The 12th episode is horribly breathtaking. Can't wait! Can't wait! Can't wait!
Gossip Girl on January 16th. Who doesn't like GG?! They purposely make each mid-finale on some suspense part that kills us all inside for months. I understand why but don't like it.
White Collar on January 17th. Is the only "policial" tv show I see, except Dexter, obviously, and I love it. Matt Bomer is just a fine outlaw.
Lastly, The Hart Of Dixie on January 23rd. HOD was a big surprise for me I didn't expect to like it so much.

After this little opinion on each show I just want time to pass.


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