Sunday, 1 January 2012

Are We Growing Up Or Just Going Down?


How was your first day in 2012?
Mine was quite peaceful. I listened to this song all day as I've been doing these last few days.

Fall Out Boy was and still is one of my favourite bands ever! I can't express with words how much I love their music. I'm can totally say I'm obsessed even though my obsession is always changing its intensity, either way I love how I can stay months without listening to any of theirs songs but than when accidentally catch just a second I become super happy and excited and the obsession returns. I can't complain I love that feeling. Although every time I go back to pick a song from the entire discography I choose always a different one. This time was a track from From Under The Cork Tree: Sophomore Slump Or Comeback Of the Year. I can't stop listening. The lyrics mean so much to me I can select some events and feelings from my life that are a perfect-match to these words sang by Patrick.

I hope they come back this year.


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