Sunday, 1 April 2012

Lauren Kate: Rapture 1st Teaser


I can't express with or without words how anxious I am for Rapture. I. Can't. Wait. God, if I could pass the time...

Ok, back to the post.
I'm away from the computer for a few days and the world turns into a wild place where everything is different and there's news everywhere.
Two days ago, Lauren Kate, the author of the Fallen series, posted the first Rapture teaser. In total there will be 3 videos.
I honestly don't know if this is a good or bad thing. Each day that ends we're closer to the very end... I can't think about it... I can't believe it's the end already and there won't be anymore Daniel and Luce nor Cam or any other character... That makes me sad.

But until then:

Torture. Is what this is.


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