Funny story today.
Last week I went to my local bookshop to chose my next obsession when I saw an interesting cover that popped into my eyes instantly.
I said this many times before I hate when people pick a book just because its cover is pretty or interesting and I hate doing so but this time I was unable to control myself.
By the title you know the book I'm talking is Warm Bodies by Issac Marion.
I saw the book on the shelf and read the back cover to see the summary. I thought it could be a good choice because I had never read a book with zombies before.
Thus it's complete. I liked the idea of zombies eating people's brains and having flashes of their lives. That was cool. The end, though I felt it was a little rushed because during the book I imagined a finale with a huge fight for the end of the plague but it was kind of nice and clean.
I liked those images the author decided to dispose along the pages, even though some of them I had some difficulty to find what they were :S
Now I was looking for the cover to post here when I ended on Wikipedia where I found the film-adaptation news. I had no idea. Funny to discover accidentally when I got the book on the same purpose.
Nicholas Hult will be R and Teresa Palmer will be Julie. Totally happy with Teresa Palmer but with the Skins' guy... I'll have to wait to say anything because I didn't imagine R like him so is weird to think of him as R.
Some people online say this film will be a Twilight copy-cat and will turn zombies like Twilight turned vampires into sparkle creatures. I understand why they say that. These zombies aren't reckless and don't act fearlessly. It's precisely the opposite. I didn't read Twilight but I enjoy reading this so I don't know what to say, the book is cool but perhaps making a film is too much.
I found the book trailer.
This trailer is different from the book and I have no idea why.
Did you read the book? Are you happy with the film-adaptation?
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