Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Pan Am - ABC


When people ask me what I want to do in my professional life I always (or very often) say I want to be a journalist or a photojournalist or a stewardess.
I could write a thousand reasons why I'm thinking about each of them, but today I'm staying with the latter one.

Firstly, I love to travel, I think that is one of the main things you have to like to chose this job; secondly where I live the most important language you have to know is English which I've been learning all my life and still am; third you have to be flexible with your schedule, I mean let's just say I'm that kind of person who has to have all day precisely organized, and as you might know in this job you never know what can happen.
At my point of view, these are the most important things.

I know all about the height and weight you have to have and if you're pretty it'll all be easier... I know this is true but I try to think that with luck it's just rumors...
Just so I can sleep normally...

If you're still reading this you're probably thinking to yourself I'm a stupid girl who dreams about that glamorous life the stewardess had on the 60's, well I wouldn't mind if it was like that today, but my answer is no, I don't dream about that. I mean obviously I'd love with all my heart to be a Pan Am's girl but that's not possible. Unfortunately.

Anyway, I'm still searching, thinking and wondering about every little aspect good, bad or otherwise about one off the three jobs when it's something I'm going to do all my life I want to chose properly.

So, back to the tittle, I finally got to see all season, so far, of Pan Am. The new ABC show.

After all the things I said above do I have to say anything else about the reason I watch this? I don't think so...
I'm loving it!!

I've been thinking for the last year to buy that Pan Am's bag, but now I am totally convinced. I know Marc Jacobs made a Limited Edition (here) and was pretty but I didn't catch it, so I'm left with


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