I know what I said about reading all the books I could possible find written by Oscar Wilde, i know, and I'm gonna do it, but Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick was on my book shelf for too much time without being read and I kinda felt bad about it.
So, I was never interested about this book, I know that is a popular book and it's a saga and it's about angels, that was the only things I knew about this book before start reading.
I started last night and at this moment I'm exactly at the middle, so far so great! There's some funny quotes and the book is sucking me. I can't stop reading, but that's not so complicated for me, make a book with a guy with strong personality and a girl who is trying to figure him out and I'll read it every second of the day until it's finished. Ok, back to the book, I can't talk about the book because I don't know that much, the story is still very "closed" yet. I can tell that is about a guy named Patch who is mysterious, secretive and has a weird behavior, and the main character is a girl - Nora. They meet in Biology class, they are partners and he starts flirting with her and she doesn't like at first, but she always feel that something isn't right about him, then they almost kiss, but after, her best friend is attacked and they think it might been him, and she is afraid of being around Patch again and bla, bla, bla. Until now that's pretty much it. Nothing "wow" about angels or dark stuff, though I'm really enjoining it.
A second book has already been released - Crescendo.
I like the cover.
The third book in the series has Silence as title, the cover will be released someday in May. The official release day of the book is schedule to October 25.
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