So, in November I'll start taking my drivers license.
I'm so nervous! OMG!
I want my dad or any of my brothers to give me some "lights" before it starts, I don't want to go there and know... Nothing!
I even told my dad that I will die in my first try. BECAUSE one day when I was little my dad parked the car in a sloping street, my dad's car at this time was a Mercedes, and it has a vibrate orange lever that was the car's handbrake and I pulled it. As you might figure out, the car started moving. I was in the car with my mom, but she was on the phone and when she notice was too late and our car hit another. Fortunately everybody was ok, but the car wasn't.
After this "episode" can I say that I am not good with cars? I think so. But in anyway I want to get my driver license.
Two days ago, I guess, my dad asked me what car do I want, obviously I chose the Fiat 500.
I loooovvveee that car!!! As much as the old or the new, both are adorable! Which girl wouldn't want that car? I want the light blue, I called almond blue.

When my family see one Fiat 500 in that shade, someone always says "oh, look! There goes a Fiat 500 in almond blue!" it's kinda funny.
I'm so "girly" sometimes! I already picked the wallet for the car's documents. looool I'm so lame!
But before the car and all that stuff I just REALLY want my license in my hand, I don't believe, it's just a few months ahead!
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